"Ordo naturae, "ordo politicus et ordo iuridicus". La función ordenadora de la razón práctica en las filosofías prácticas de Alberto Magno y de Tomás de Aquino

José Ricardo Pierpauli


The central thesis that will be defended here can be expressed as follows: the relationship Ordo naturae – ordo politicus and ordo iuridicus must be understood in the practical philosophies of Albertus Magnus and Thomas Aquinas as stating an order of foundation in which the level of order previously stated is the foundation of the posterior. In turn, the passage from one level to the subsequent order is not operated mechanically or simply deductively but, instead, by the ordering work of practical reason. The starting point of this discussion is determined by the argumentation offered by Aristotle, especially in the first book of his Politics.

Keywords: Order; ordo; nature; hierarchy; politics.
Authors: Aristotle; Albert the Great; Thomas Aquinas.

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