La question de la forme (compositionnelle et architectonique) du discours de vulgarisation scientifique : une analyse bakhtinienne des Conférences Populaires de Gloria
Study dedicated to the discourse analysis of one of the main Brazilian scientific dis- semination activities in the nineteenth century: Gloria's Popular Conferences. Taking as a support the bakhtinian theory, noticeably the work Esthétique et théorie du roman, emphasizing his first study, the philosophic paper Le problème du contenu, du matériau et de la forme dans l’œuvre lit- téraire, my purpose in this paper is to analyze the form issue (in its compositional and architectural dimension) of Gloria's Popular Conferences dedicated to the architectural pillar of «popular educa- tion», with a focus in the observation of discoursive genre thematic features, as well as the aspects of authorshipand responsivity of these concrete utterances.
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