Atos de discurso, estratégias discursivas e figuração : histórias de vida em contexto de entrevista
Based on a ‘life stories’ corpus held in a institutional interview context (Drew
e Heritage, 1992), we proceeded to the semantic and pragmatic analysis of this speech, describing the speech acts and discursive strategies elaborated to maintain a institutional interaction order (Goffman, 1987) of speech between interviewer and interviewee. At the confluence of a variety of theoretical and methodological guidelines included in the Discourse Analysis, we analyze the discursive phenomenon that reveals the conversational involvement of the participants: the repetitions, the discursive regulators production, the function of diminutives and laughter, the self-selection order strategies with pre-sequences
of authorization requests, and interventional immediate guidelines and the construction of situated identities. We consider that the interactional space (Gumperz, 1989, p. 9), built in these interactions and strongly ritualized is constituted of “confirmatory and remedial exchanges” (Goffman, 1987) which show a careful job of figuring for the interactional balance maintenance service (Goffman, 1973, p. 65th) between the faces of the interlocutors.
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