Emerging Trends on Brazilian Connected Students Behavior
This paper aims to present emerging trends of Brazilian connected students towards the use and appropriation of ICT resources through data of two national surveys: 2014 #Connected Youth Brazil and 2018 ICT in Education Survey. #Connected Youth Brazil was developed by the School of the Future Research and Culture Laboratory at the University of São Paulo, NACE EF-USP (www.futuro.usp.br), in association with Telefonica Vivo Foundation Brazil (http://fundacaotelefonicavivo.org.br). The survey interviewed 1,440 Brazilian youngster and also developed focus groups sessions with celebrities and educators plus navigation observation through a special software applied to ten authorized adolescents. 2018 ICT in Education survey was developed by Brazilian Internet Steering Committee and interviewed 11,361 students plus teachers and directors. Main findings are: smartphones to democratize Internet connection; students challenged by fake news and information sources; schools are not the main place of connection and students are autonomous learners regarding media literacy.
Keywords: Brazilian connected students behavior; #Connected Youth Brazil Survey; Media and Information Literacy (MIL) - Brazil; 2018 ICT in Education CGI Survey.
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