Funcionamento do ato de asserção em interações verbais na rádio : estratégias discursivas de consenso
Taking as reference a corpus of verbal interactions available in five Portuguese
radio broadcasts constituted by phone calls from listeners that, during the night period, go daily on air in order to dialogue with the radio host, we will analyse the relation between discourse and media and we will consider the rights and obligations involved in the act of assertion, focusing on the performative value of all the discourse acts that aim to modify the hearer in his epistemic, emotional and behavioural states. We analyse the act of assertion within the framework of speech acts theory of Austin, Searle and Grice, taking into account P. Attal’s propositions and in line with Ducrot’s studies. Favouring an analysis of the strategic use of the act of assertion in the frame of the rhetoric of consensus, we study the functioning of topoï in assertions, we show the argumentative value of proverbial enunciates, as well as of aphorisms and tautological sequences in verbal interactions and we describe the occurrence of mitigators of the value of truth expressed on the propositional content of the acts of assertion. These are all aspects that contribute to the maintenance of the interactional order on radio broadcast talks and that help establishing consensus and conversational involvement.
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